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Isese Day: Lagos Declares Monday, August 21, Public Holiday For Traditionalists To Celebrate



Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has declared Monday, August 21, 2023, as a work-free day for public servants in the state. The purpose of this declaration is to celebrate Isese Day, an annual festival for devotees of traditional religion in Lagos.

By granting this day off, Governor Sanwo-Olu aims to provide an opportunity for the staff of Lagos State Government who practice traditional religion to observe their important festival with utmost devotion and dedication. This gesture demonstrates the government’s commitment to promoting religious tolerance and diversity within the state.

Isese Day holds great significance for practitioners of traditional religion, as it is a time for them to honor their ancestral heritage, traditions, and beliefs. It is a moment of reflection, gratitude, and celebration, and the Governor’s approval of this work-free day acknowledges the value and importance of this celebration to members of the community.

Through this act, Governor Sanwo-Olu acknowledges and respects the rights and freedoms of individuals to practice their chosen religion freely and without hindrance. By providing public servants with the opportunity to observe Isese Day, he is fostering an inclusive and supportive environment that celebrates the cultural diversity within Lagos State.


The decision to approve the work-free day for Isese Day was formally communicated to the Permanent Secretaries of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) in Lagos State through a circular signed by the State’s Head of Service, Hakeem Muri-Okunola. The circular, obtained on Saturday, outlined the governor’s decision and highlighted its significance.

Governor Sanwo-Olu’s approval of this work-free day reflects his commitment to promoting and preserving the indigenous culture and traditions of Lagos. By allowing public servants to participate in the celebrations of Isese Day, the governor aims to underscore the importance of honoring and preserving cultural heritage within the state.

The circular serves as a formal notification to all MDAs in Lagos State, ensuring that the information is effectively disseminated and understood by relevant authorities and staff members. This measure ensures that the significance of Isese Day is recognized and respected across various government sectors.

This decision is part of Governor Sanwo-Olu’s broader efforts to create an inclusive and culturally vibrant environment within the state, where all religious and cultural practices are acknowledged and respected. By promoting indigenous culture and tradition, the governor aims to strengthen the social fabric of Lagos State and foster a sense of pride and unity amongst its diverse population.

In addition to declaring a work-free day, Governor Sanwo-Olu has also approved the specific date for the celebration of Isese Day, allowing traditional worshippers to actively participate in preserving the cultural heritage of Lagos State.


According to the circular with reference number CIR/HOS/23/Vol.1/066, it has been officially announced that this year’s Isese Day celebration will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023. This information is intended to be widely disseminated for general knowledge and awareness.

The governor’s decision to specify the date for the celebration ensures that traditional worshippers have the opportunity to plan and fully engage in the festivities. This acknowledgement and support of Isese Day enables practitioners of traditional religion to honor their ancestral traditions and express their cultural identity with pride.

By establishing a clear date for the celebration, Governor Sanwo-Olu demonstrates his commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where diverse cultural practices are respected and celebrated. This action further emphasizes the importance of preserving and nurturing the cultural heritage of Lagos State for future generations.

In a reaffirmation of the government’s dedication to supporting traditional institutions and promoting indigenous culture in Lagos State, Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu has generously declared Monday, August 21, 2023, as a work-free day for public servants. This decision is aimed at preserving our cultural heritage and traditions.

Governor Sanwo-Olu’s declaration exhibits his commitment to providing the necessary assistance and recognition to traditional institutions within the state. By acknowledging and preserving our cultural heritage, the governor aims to foster a sense of pride and appreciation among the people of Lagos.


As a result of this declaration, public servants are advised that Monday, August 21, will be a day off from work. Regular work hours will resume promptly at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, August 22. This announcement allows public servants to fully engage in the celebrations of Isese Day and actively participate in honoring their ancestral traditions.

Through this action, Governor Sanwo-Olu demonstrates his administration’s commitment to creating an inclusive and culturally diverse environment, while also recognizing the importance of providing support to traditional institutions. This work-free day serves as a reminder of the government’s effort to preserve our cultural heritage and promote indigenous practices within Lagos State.

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Soun of Ogbomoso race: RCCG New York pastor resigns, declares interest




Ghandi Olaoye

▪️By Mary Young

The Lead Pastor at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Jesus House DC, Washington, USA, Pastor Ghandi Olaoye, has resigned from his position in view of his imminent emergence as the next Soun of Ogbomosho, a first-class traditional ruler in Oyo State.

A reliable source close to Pastor Olaoye, told an online news medium on Friday afternoon, “He confirmed it yesterday, and he has relinquished his position as the lead pastor”.

Ghandi Olaoye

Pastor Olaoye is one of those vying for the position of the Soun after the seat became vacant upon Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewunmi’s death in 2021.


Fondly called “Pastor G”, Pastor Ghandi Olaoye is reputed for his leadership and relationship management skills. He was born and raised in Nigeria. He has a degree in English Language and a Master’s in Industrial and Labor Relations.

He was a successful entrepreneur before the call of God came upon his life to become a Pastor. He has been Pastoring since 1992.

He pastored 3 RCCG Churches in Nigeria and one in Bonn, Germany before moving to the United States.

Ghandi Olaoye and wife

Pastor Ghandi who is particularly close to Pastor Yemi Osinbajo, the Nigerian Vice President is passionate about helping others develop to their fullest potential. His experience travelling and speaking internationally has shaped his commitment to showcasing a ministry where people of all racial and ethnic groups worship God in a loving and caring atmosphere.

He is currently the coordinator in charge of the Convention and Special Projects for RCCG, North America.


He is happily married to Pastor Omo who also played a key role in running the affairs of the Church.

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Coronation: Attah Igala, a man of impeccable character- Yahaya Bello




Yaya Bello (middle) handing the new Atta Igala mantle of authority, while another looks on

Gov. Yahaya Bello of Kogi has described the new Attah Igala, Matthew Opaluwa as a man of impeccable character who has been worthily selected in conformity with traditions, equity and fairness.

Bello said this on Friday in Idah when he visited the Attah at his palace before the official installation and presentation of Staff of Office.

Bello commended the hitch free process that saw the selection of Opaluwa as Attah of Igala, adding that the event would also be hitch free as the people were happy with his selection.

“For a hitch-free process that culminated into the selection of Attah Igala that we have today, we appreciated God Almighty.


“He is of impeccable character and he is a fulfilled personality, highly respected within his domain, in the country and across the world, we are proud of him.

“We welcome each and everyone of us to this historic event and I am confident that it is going to be a hitch free event and our return back to our destinations will be a hitch-free event also,” Bello said.

Responding, the Attah Igala thanked Bello for ensuring fairness, equity and due process was put in play in the selection process. Ghana

The Attah Igala pledged to work with the governor for the good of the people and the state.

“I greet you and I thank you for your presence here today. Where I am here today, if my governor say I will not be here today, I will not be.


“I always pray to God to put me in the position where I can act my service. Haven given me this opportunity, I will not disappoint you and my people.

“I will work with you and for my people,” the Attah said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that in accordance with tradition, the governor after his visit to the place, he walked with the Attah to the Civic center, which was venue for the coronation.

The Attah was also accompanied on the walk from his palace to the coronation ground by the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III.

The event was made colorful with displays of masquerades and different groups who expressed joy on the installation of their choice king. (NAN)


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Retrogressive traditional ritual, Agbani town takes step to end obnoxious practice




▪️By Man Ede

Tradition, in a general sense, is a belief, custom or behaviour that people in a particular group or society have continued to follow for a long time, often handed down from one generation to the next.

Tradition is good because it provides us our own self-identity and a way to govern ourselves, as well as gives us a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. However, as we embrace civilization, some of our traditions outlive their usefulness and need to be dropped.

The killing of twins and use of human beings in rituals to bury VIPs are such obnoxious traditions that have been abolished in the whole of Africa.


Throughout Igboland, the osu or obia and amadu dichotomy have been found to fan the amber of disunity, and injustice among members of different communities. That tradition has long lost its shine, robbing the people the great benefits of the “power of we”.

The bare truth we cannot deny is that God created humanity in the Divine Image. The soul ingrained in each of us is equally divine and pure. It’s therefore unimaginable that we should think that God has dual image, one superior to the other. The plain truth is that we are all equal and worthy of the same liberty, dignity and respect in pursuit of happiness.

Prejudice or discrimination of any shade is not of God but an artful design of man intended to achieve unnecessary superiority over others. The first victims in an unjust and discriminatory society are equality, equity and fairness. Relationships in such society are irrevocably damaged and the sense of God’s presence becomes apparent and distant.

But we all know the greatest commandment: love your neighbour as you love yourself. It’s therefore more important that we live this God’s injunction rather than recite it. In essence, I ask: Who would like to be helpless and at the mercy of others? Who will like to be oppressed and mistreated on account of a tradition or age long circumstances he or she knows nothing about? If the answer to these questions is No, then let’s not treat anyone in that manner.

Come Friday (tomorrow) January 21, 2022, the Traditional rulers, Ecclesiasts (the church), Ndishi/Ndizhzi (the custodian of traditions and customs) and the entire people of Agbani Town in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State, will scrap this cankerworm from the people’s life and activities.


Alluding to this decision, we see in the horizon, Agbani town in an unreversible journey of peace and unity as our people together, recognize our shared values and purpose, powered by the feeling of a sense of belonging and inclusion. We conceive a town that is hotbed of development and progress, a town free from division and discrimination where individuals become less lonely.

Henceforth, an equity lens will be applied to all that the people do. Put differently, the joint action of the people creates ownership of this event to the extent that everyone will see and treat one another as members of one indivisible family, united and bonded together by equity and fairness.

Please, join us this Friday as we celebrate our renewed town, Agbani. GMTNews

Man Ede wrote from Ojiagu, Agbani, Enugu State.


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